Graduation Year | Name-Surname | Work Place |
2011 | MELTEM CAN ATAY | Psychologist at Bilkent University Counseling and Development Center |
2011 | BAŞAK BAĞLAMA | Instructor at Near East University |
2011 | ŞERİF TÜRKKAL | Senior Instructor at Eastern Mediterranean University |
2012 | CİHAN KAYIKÇI | Hedena Health |
2012 | ÖZLEM BOZKAN | Expert psychologist at World Psychological Counseling and Education Centers |
2012 | MEHTAP IŞKIN | MHPSS Technical Advisor at Handicap International |
2012 | NİHAN KAYMAZ | Psychologist at YA-PA Life Sharing Kindergartens (Izmit / Kocaeli) |
2012 | BURÇİN KOYUNCU | Psychologist at Psychological Counseling Office |
2012 | BEGÜM SAYAN | Psychologist at World Doctors Association |
2012 | ELİF TEKİN | Psychologist at Medallion Psychiatry Center |
2012 | PINAR ÇELİK | Clinical Psychologist at Rubi Health Services |
2012 | BANU FATMA ÖZBAŞ | Exp. Psychologist at Private Irmak Schools |
2012 | EBRU ŞENGÜL | Correspondent at Anadolu Agency |
2012 | ASAF ATEŞ ERDOĞAN | Psychotherapist |
2012 | EDA BUSE PEHLİVAN | Autism Behaviour Therapy |
2013 | YULET MİRAY PAMİR | Uzman Klinik Psikolog at Lima Psychology |
2013 | HANİFE ATACAN | Psychologist at General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses, T. C. Ministry of Justice |
2013 | AYŞE SİNEM BOS | Maya Vakfı |
2013 | ÖZGEN SARIKUŞ | Responsible Manager / Psychologist at Small Club Children's Houses |
2013 | BAHİRE AKARTÜRK | Clinical Psychologist at Nis Tıp Merkezi |
2014 | MERVE YÖRÜR | Studying for a master's degree at Yeditepe University |
2014 | ALEV ŞAHİN | Banker at CreditWest Bankası |
2014 | BUSE UYGUR | Atılım University |
2014 | SEDA ÇETİN | Turkish Education Association/TÜRK EĞİTİM DERNEĞİ |
2014 | MESUT ALTUNTAŞ | Studying for a doctoral degree at University of Potsdam |
2014 | AYÇA AKTAÇ | Clinical Psychologist at Nora Psikoloji |
2014 | BURCU ZEYNEP ALPER | IMECE Inisiyatifi Dernegi |
2014 | ESİN AYTÜLÜN | Psychologist at Bornova Bahçeşehir College |
2014 | HAZAL KAHRAMAN | Psychologist at Minihouse Kindergarten & Diologist Psychological Counseling and Education Center |
2014 | CANSU PAKSOY | Koç University |
2014 | EYLÜL NAZLI SÖNMEZ | Psychologist at T. C. Ministry of Justice |
2014 | KEZBAN EKİN ÖZBEY | Part-time Instructor at İstanbul Medipol University |
2014 | KÜBRA ÖZTÜRK | Studying for a master's degree at Maltepe Üniversitesi |
2015 | MERVE İNANÇ | Psychologist at ATILIM UNIVERSITY |
2015 | SENA DOĞRUYOL | Research Assistant at Gaziosmanpasa University |
2015 | GİZEM ŞAMDAN | Research Assistant at University of Bremen |
2015 | MAHİR TÜZEL | UiPath |
2015 | ECEM AŞIK | Part-Time Lecturer at METU Northern Cyprus Campus |
2015 | RAFİ BALIKÇI | Freelance |
2015 | ARZU AYHAN | Simurg psikoloji Merkezi ve Kişisel Gelişim |
2015 | AYÇA GÜZEY | Green Crescent |
2015 | BÜŞRA YAĞMUR | Adalet Bakanlığı |
2015 | NESLİHAN GÜLTEN | Psychologist at Lacivert Consultancy |
2016 | SELEN AK | Psychologist and Manager at Side Nursery and Day Care House |
2016 | DENİZ KURT | Şahsa Klinik Psikoloji Merkezi |
2016 | TUĞÇE YILMAZ | Yeşilay |
2016 | YASEMİN DİLİBAL | Studying for a master's degree at Yaşar Universitesi |
2016 | ATAKAN ÖZKAN | Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations |
2016 | HANDAN BERİVAN BAKAR | Handan Bakar Psychological Consultancy |
2016 | HAZAL HOCA | Necat British College |
2016 | BUSE APEL | Studying for a doctoral degree at University of Hull |
2016 | ESİN ŞANVERDİ | Studying for a master's degree at University of Groningen |
2016 | MERYEM BEYOĞLU | Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi Hastanesi |
2016 | AYTEN YORULMAZ | Green Crescent |
2016 | EZGİ EROL | Zentrum für Neurologie und Seelische Gesundheit |
2016 | MELİN ULUÇ | Kolan Hospital Group |
2016 | ZEYNEP BÜYÜKAŞIK | Sınav Koleji |
2016 | FATMA BAHÇE | Studying for a master's degree at Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi |
2016 | HATİCE ÖZOĞLUÖZ | Kişisel Gelişim ve Psikoloji Merkezi |
2016 | LEYLA GÜVENKAYA | Monad Psikoloji |
2016 | UĞUR İŞBİTİREN | Evimdeki Psikolog |
2016 | ELÇİN RAY | University of Guelph |
2016 | EDA YAŞAR | WYG Türkiye |
2017 | HATİCE ADLİ | Eastern Mediterranean University |
2017 | CANSU MERVE DEMİRSOY | Migration Health Centre/ Sıhhat Project |
2017 | SIDIKA KÜBRA KAZMACI | Gözde cerrahi tıp merkezi |
2017 | GÖZDE ÜSTÜN | Sığınmacılar ve Göçmenlerle Dayanışma Derneği |
2017 | İZEL YILDIZ | Yeşilay Danışmanlık Merkezi (YEDAM) Çorlu |
2017 | BURCU KAPLAN | University of Rhode Island |
2017 | DAMLA SOYLU | Adel Psikolojik Danışmanlık Merkezi |
2017 | YAĞMUR MELİS SÖZER | United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) |
2017 | ZİBA ATAK | Studying for a master's degree at Chapman University |
2017 | GÖKHAN SÜRER | Sedat Taş Özel Eğitim ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi |
2017 | ÖZGÜR BAŞTÜRK | Türk Kızılay |
2017 | ÇİSEM NAMIKKEMALOĞLU | Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus |
2017 | DEMET TAVUKÇU | Studying for a master's degree at Anadolu Üniversitesi |
2017 | ECEM TOMBAK | HR Consultant at DDI |
2018 | KERİME EYLÜL EŞKİ | Studying for a doctoral degree at University of Genoa |
2018 | ESRA YÜZEN | Bursa Nilüfer Belediyesi |
2018 | BUKET GÜVEN | Güven Psikolojik Danışmanlık Merkezi |
2018 | ZEYNEP GÜLTEN KİLİSLİ | Studying for a master's degree at Bergamo University |
2018 | MURAT CAN KARATAŞ | Studying for a master's degree at Ege University |
2018 | İREM BULGUROĞLU | Studying for a master's degree at University of Groningen Netherlands |
2018 | GÜLFEM KARAKAYA | Konya Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi |
2018 | ÇAĞLA ÇAKIR | Studying for a master's degree at Antalya Bilim Üniversitesi |
2018 | CANSU YILDIRIM | Studying for a master's degree at Università degli Studi di Pavia |
2019 | CENK ILDIR | Studying for a master's degree at Yaşar Üniversitesi |
2019 | MELİS SIRIM | Hiwell |
2019 | CEMRE ÇINAR | Özyeğin Üniversitesi |
2019 | SEZEN BERTAN | Kavaklıdere Wines |
2019 | EKREM DEĞİRMENCİ | Girne American University |
2019 | BİLGE AYŞAKAR | Studying for a master's degree at Istinye Universitesi |
2019 | BERFİN ÖZCAN | Yonelim Okulları |
2019 | MELİS AYTEKİN | Studying for a master's degree at İstanbul Kent Üniversitesi |
2019 | İREM GENÇ | Turning Point- Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Service |
2019 | ZEYNEP ÜNAL | University of Mannheim |
2019 | CAHİDE UMUT | Studying for a master's degree at Near East University |
2019 | KEREMCAN GÜZEL | İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi |
2019 | GİZEM ÖÇALAN | Studying for a master's degree at Maastricht University |
2019 | PINAR TEKŞEN | Eastern Mediterranean University |
2019 | İREM FATMA KAŞIKÇI | Studying for a master's degree at University of Padova |
2019 | HATİCE HALE ABAY | Özel Bilge Eller Özel Eğitim ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi |
2019 | CEREN YÜKSEK | Dogu Akdeniz Doga Koleji |
2019 | ECEM DEMİR | Studying for a master's degree at Yeditepe University |
2019 | BURAK GÜNEM | Studying for a master's degree at Leiden University |
2019 | DAMLA DİLAN TOPAKTAŞ | Studying for a master's degree at Erasmus University Rotterdam |
2019 | BETÜL UNCUOĞLU | Psychologist at American Culture College |
2019 | CEREN NAZLIM KONYAR | Eskişehir Büyükşehir Belediyesi - Kadın Danışma ve Dayanışma Merkezi |
2020 | BURCU KAVSARA | Başkent Doğalgaz Dağıtım GYO A.Ş. |
2020 | MELEK ÖZTÜRKLER | Studying for a doctoral degree at Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University |
2020 | CEMRE KÖNİ | Türk Traktör |
2020 | ÖZNUR MANDACI | Pilea Psikoloji |
2020 | GİZEM KURT | Evimdeki Psikolog |
2020 | GİZEM TAŞOĞLU | Studying for a master's degree at Queen Mary University of London |
2020 | SUAT CAN SAYDAM | Merit Park Hotel & Casino |
2020 | GÖKÇE KORKMAZ | Studying for a doctoral degree at University of Pavia |
2020 | GALİP YİĞİT ÜNLÜ | Studying for a doctoral degree at University of Malta |
2020 | BATIKAN ÖZKAN | Studying for a master's degree at Middle East Technical University |
2020 | ZEYNEP CANTEKİN | Studying for a master's degree at University of Bologna |
2020 | GÜLİZ AYDOĞDU | Studying for a master's degree at Yakın Doğu Üniversite |
2020 | SENA BESTE ERCAN | Studying for a doctoral degree at Universitat Pompeu Fabra |
2020 | BÜŞRA VARDAR | Studying for a master's degree at Maastricht University |
2020 | TOLGA AY | Studying for a master's degree at University of Trento |
2020 | ANIL BAYINDIR | Studying for a master's degree at Maastricht University |
2020 | SENAY POLAT | Mentalium Psikoloji |
2020 | EZGİ VURKAN | Studying for a master's degree at Üsküdar Üniversitesi |
2020 | MERVE ONURSOY | Studying for a master's degree at Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus |
2020 | YİĞİT ASLAN | Studying for a master's degree at Nottingham Trent University |
2020 | EZGİ KAYIŞ | tabukamu |
2020 | OZAN BAHATTİN VAHDET ÖDÜL | Studying for a master's degree at Pavia University |
2020 | EZGİŞAN ÖZDEMİR | Studying for a master's degree at Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus |
2021 | CEREN BİZ | Studying for a master's degree at University of Derby |
2021 | EDİZ DENİZ ZATİ | Appcent- Merkez Apsen Bilişim ve Yazılım Sistemleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti |
2021 | İREM ŞAHİNKAYA | Studying for a master's degree at Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi |
2021 | ONUR ALTI | Studying for a master's degree at University of Padova |
2021 | BÜŞRA AYÇİÇEK | Ana Sigorta |
2021 | ELİF ŞİRİN | Hilton Istanbul Bakirkoy |
2021 | EZGİ UZUN | Studying for a doctoral degree at Universität Greifswald |
2021 | ŞAHCAN ÖZDEMİR | Studying for a master's degree at Sabancı University |
2021 | ANIL ZEREY | Koç University |
2021 | BEYZANUR ŞEN | Studying for a master's degree at University of Padova |
2021 | MERVE UÇAR | Muğla Psikoloji |
2021 | İLKYAZ ÇAĞGÜL ARMAĞAN ARSLANKAYA | Studying for a doctoral degree at Eindhoven University of Technology |
2021 | ECE YURDAKUL | Akdeniz Boğaziçi Koleji |
2021 | GİZEM CAN ATMACA | Studying for a master's degree at University of Padova |
2022 | CEREN GÖKSULU | Merit Park Hotel & Casino |
2022 | EKİM YURTSEVER | Crs Soft |
2022 | GÖKHAN PINARBAŞI | Studying for a master's degree at Bournemouth University |
2022 | ESİN ŞEN | Studying for a master's degree at Maastricht University |
2022 | DENIL KAGCAN | Studying for a master's degree at Maastricht University |
2022 | İPEK MARYA ECE AY | Studying for a master's degree at University of Messina |
2022 | AYBÜKE CANBEY | Studying for a master's degree at University of Milan |
2022 | SENA MUTLU | Studying for a master's degree at University of Padova |
2022 | ELİF YÜKSEL | Studying for a master's degree at Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi |
2022 | GİZEM SÜLÜN | Studying for a master's degree at Ege Üniversitesi |
2022 | SİNEM BALAÇ | Studying for a doctoral degree at Koç University |
2022 | ANIL SAĞIM | Elexus Hotel Resort Spa |
2022 | DENİZ KOÇ | Studying for a master's degree at University of Potsdam |
2022 | SİMAY TOPLU | Studying for a master's degree at Maastricht University |
2022 | AYŞE DEMİRCİ | Grand Sapphire Hotel & Casino |
2022 | İNCİ ORAN | Studying for a master's degree at Maastricht University |
2023 | EMİNE BEYZA DUTAÇ | Coca Cola Icecek |
2023 | CEMRE EZGİ OKŞAR | Anadolu Etap |
2023 | SELİN OLTEN | Studying for a master's degree at Leiden University |
2023 | MEHMET ALİ ATİK | Studying for a master's degree at Middle East Technical University |
2023 | İNCİ EKE | Studying for a doctoral degree at University of Ottawa |
2024 | GÜLİN İPEK TÜLEK | Studying for a master's degree at University of Sussex |
2024 | SELİNAY ERAL | Studying for a master's degree at Okan Üniversitesi |
2024 | ZEYNEP ALDEMIR | Studying for a master's degree at Okan Üniversitesi |
2024 | EZGİ OĞUZ | Studying for a master's degree at University of Padua |
2024 | ALEYNA ZEYNEP SEBİT | Studying for a master's degree at Yeditepe Üniversitesi |
2024 | GÜZNEM MERT | Studying for a master's degree at İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi |
2024 | İLKE KÖKCÜ | Studying for a master's degree at Bournemouth University |
2024 | CEMAY TUNCAY ŞEMMEDİ | Studying for a master's degree at University of Amsterdam |